Q & A for Authentic Triton Open House

Q: How can the library partner with you? 我们当然有一些想法,也很高兴能合作!
A: 该库已经通过多种方式与CE进行了合作.  例如,图书馆连接CE的商业中心 & 社区公共图书馆的专业发展, where we are able to provide customized trainings and services to library employees and/or patrons.  The library also provides a variety of academic learning opportunities for the preschool children enrolled in the Child Development Center as well as children enrolled in CE summer youth camps.  The possibility of expanding such collaborations to reach an even greater audience through new program development is exciting and we welcome an enhanced partnership!   

Q: Why is it called "continuing" education?
A: 学习新东西的机会是持续不断的.  总有新的东西需要探索和学习.  “Continuing Education” brings experiences, knowledge, and thoughts to the community through its passion to embrace lifelong learning and explore new hobbies. Unlike traditional education, 通常发生在童年和成年早期, 继续教育贯穿于人的一生, 使个人能够更新他们的技能, expand their knowledge, and stay current in their field.  我们的座右铭是:“今天是学习新东西的日子。!”

Q: 学生支援服务(即CAAS)如何为继续教育学生提供最佳支援? 教育行政学院提供哪些不同的课程?
A: The Center for Access and Accommodations (CAAS) can best support continuing education students by implementing a range of services and strategies tailored to meet the unique needs of adult learners. Here are some ways the CAAS can provide effective support through accessibility services and individualized support. 个性化支持服务,如学术指导, tutoring, 并提供咨询服务,以满足继续教育学生的各种需求. This can help students navigate challenges, manage their workload, 保持动力去实现他们的教育目标.

Q: 行政长官领域的每一位代表在本署的工作是什么?
A: Please see our CE Team Diagram and Umbrella Chart.

Q: How can employees from various departments participate in or contribute to the development of communication strategies and initiatives within the organization?
A: 我们的持续教育团队很高兴有机会探索跨部门合作. 这可能包括组建跨职能团队来集思广益, share insights, and develop comprehensive communication plans that consider the perspectives and expertise of individuals from diverse areas of the organization.

Q: Are there any upcoming workshops, seminars, or training sessions focused on improving communication skills or fostering cross-departmental conversations?
A: Typically, workshops, seminars, and training sessions presented by CE are custom developed to meet the specific needs of external clients and audiences from the health and business sectors.  Workshops, seminars, 培训课程的重点是我们大学的内部需求, 例如跨部门的对话和沟通, 都是由PDC展示的吗.

Q: CE部门近期会提供更多CPR认证培训吗?
A: 卫生专业人员中心将在整个学期开设心肺复苏术课程. Interested students can register in CE or contact Michael Doligosa our Center for CECHP to inquire about course offerings.

Q: Could you implement class visits so you can monitor the quality of the instruction given to students?
A: Classes within CE’s Facility Engineering Technology (FET) credit program undergo the same evaluation process as all other credit programs at the college.  This evaluation process includes routine classroom visits in which faculty are observed to ensure the quality of the instruction and validity of the curriculum.  教师将收到一份书面报告,其中包括评论和改进建议.

Q: Is there a list available with the classes offered through CE that are covered under our employee tuition benefit?
A: Yes! Our Continuing Education staff works closely with Human Resources each semester or curate a list of courses that are available for the employee tuition waiver. 我们有课程列表在手,所以当你准备注册一个课程, 请与我们联系,我们很乐意通知你是否有保险.

Q: 在继续教育学院工作最有价值的方面是什么?
A: 成为一个致力于帮助人们扩展知识的团队的一员, improve their skills, 发展他们的未来是非常有益的.  提供一个基础和服务来推动人们在他们的生活中前进是一件快乐的事.

Q: 你觉得自己与更大的Triton社区有多大的联系?
A: We're fortunate to have an excellent chance to collaborate with colleagues from various departments across our campus to develop innovative programming for the community. Engaging with independent contractors, adjuncts, and full-time faculty members enables us to collaborate across multiple divisions and gain deeper insights into the breadth of offerings available at our college. However, we often find that many individuals are unaware of the courses and services offered through Continuing Education (CE). For instance, 我们的设施工程与技术计划(FET), based in the Center for Business area, is a prime example. This program, 占特里顿学院学生总数的9%以上, is offered for college credit, 然而,许多员工都没有意识到这个机会. CE serves as a dynamic bridge connecting the community college to the community by providing accessible education. 

Q: 如果Triton员工想参加CE课程,注册的过程是什么?
A: 要注册我们的继续教育课程,您有两个方便的选择. 你可以打我们部门的分机3500, 我们的工作人员将在哪里为您办理注册手续. 或者,如果您喜欢在线注册,您可以访问我们的网站并填写 Online Registration Form.

Q: Which current employee of the School of Continuing Education office has worked for this department the longest?
A: 在我们的持续教育部门,我们有丰富的经验丰富的员工. Lydia Skorus, from the CDC, celebrated her impressive 33rd year with Triton College this past March. Charlotte Wiley and Azucena Corral, also part of the CDC, 都为学校贡献了16年以上. 我们也很高兴能向密涅瓦·麦克拉伦致敬, 她将在今年8月纪念她在特里顿学院的25周年纪念日. Minerva plays a vital role as our esteemed Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) Coordinator, 为我们的团队带来宝贵的经验. Furthermore, Eric Morton, serving as our CE Program Coordinator, marks his 12th year at the college, while Katie Rullo, our Associate Dean of CE, 今年夏天就要结婚11周年了吗. 随着许多新成员的加入, 我们现在有一个独特的机会把我们的既有做法和新鲜的结合起来, innovative approaches.

Q: 你能说明通过CE提供的学分课程和非学分课程的区别吗, 尤其是那些与医学领域有关的?
A: In the simplistic response, credit courses mean you are earning college credit for a course you have completed and non-credit means you receive a pass/fail on your transcript rather than a college credit. Our Continuing Education area works with vocational programs which are at times confused with credit courses. Vocational trainings provide short term certificate opportunities that focus on preparing individuals for specific occupations or trades. Vocational training programs are typically targeted towards individuals who seek entry into a particular industry, profession, or skilled trade. 这可能包括探索职业道路的高中生, 寻求转行或再培训的成年人, 个人从失业到劳动力的转变. 继续教育项目在结构和时间上更加灵活.  Our Healthcare Programs will meet the requirements of state guidelines and accreditation boards to prepare students for a career. Typically, our CE healthcare programs are covered over one semester and prepare students to sit for a credentialing exam.

Q: 你希望更多的人了解你什么?
A: CE is deeply imbedded in the community!  我们在七个不同的扩展地点提供各种生活丰富课程.  We develop and conduct customized apprenticeships and workforce trainings at business locations throughout the district.  We provide youth tutoring services Mondays-Thursdays at a local community recreation center during the academic school year.  We foster strong partnerships with local school districts and community-based organizations to give 4th-12th 给孩子们提供参加职业探索和大学准备课程的机会.  我们相信不仅仅是把学生带到Triton的校园, 同时也要进入社区,努力扩大我们的影响力.